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About the Artist

Dimiter Kirov, born May 20 1935 in Istanbul, Turkey, demised on October 22, 2008 in Sofia, Bulgaria, is:

  • The eternal provocateur in art, who drives the audience into exaltation with the explosions of colours in paintings, frescos, mosaics, sgrafitos scattered in Bulgaria and abroad.
  • Medals and awards recipient in Bulgaria, France, the Vatican, and many other countries.
  • In love: with the Ancient Plovdiv, colours, and his muse Russalia.
  • A citizen of the world. Francophone, cavalier for art of the Legion d'Honour of France, welcome in Tokyo, Senegal, Istanbul, Athens, Moscow, Yerevan, Rome, Paris. Frequent visitor to good wine restaurants in Montmartre and anywhere around the world. A wanderer on the artistic highways of Europe that few other Bulgarians have walked.
  • Someone who chose Bulgaria, in spite of the Bulgarian proverb that no one can be a profit in his own village. A drinker, with the inevitable pipe, or a cigar in the worst case, smoking in his hand, whenever free from the brush.
  • Admirer of female beauty - as any other beauty by the way. A wiseman posessing youth's spirit. Courted by politicians of different colours, and yet naturally in opposition to any political establishment. An honorary citizen of about ten cities.